In my previous post, Alpha males act - Beta males react I described the difference between an alpha and beta. Alpha causes events which force the other person to react versus a beta is reacting to events. This means that the beta is reacting to the situation in the manner which the alpha desires. Alpha and beta are situational, a person may enter the situation as a beta. Consciously or subconsciously the alpha lays a trap to gain control. Some people refer to these traps as shit tests, I will refer to them as beta traps. This post will describe how to identify beta traps and then how to break out of them by reframing. First, you have to be able to identify frames.
Seeing things from different perspectives and views.
There are constant references to alpha males in literature. These references range from pickup artists to cognitive scientists like Steven Pinker. Regardless of who is talking about alpha males, it is agreed that women are attracted to alpha males. This then creates a debate over what are alpha male versus beta characteristics. To make matters more confusing, feminist groups and the politically correct will argue that an alpha male does not exist, they will then cite what appears to be scientific evidence. This post will resolve all of these contradictions and then provide a practical definition for what is an alpha male.
What is an alpha male?
Willie Sutton, the infamous bank robber, was asked by a reporter why he robbed banks? Willie looked at the reporter as if she was stupid and replied, that is where the money is. Willie later became famous for Sutton’s law, which is taught in medical schools, when making a diagnosis one should first consider the obvious. He is probably responsible for the phrase follow the money, when you want to find out someone’s motives, you follow the money. Willie is what you call a cynic, according to people who enjoy hiding in their safe spaces, someone who is negative, miserable and unhappy. By contrast, anyone who knew Willie, whether is was a Mafia Godfather or a news reporter, described him as bright-eyed, intelligent and cheerful. Back in 1910, the child of a poor Irish immigrant, with a grade 8 education, lacked career opportunities, being cynical, Willie accepted this. This then begs the question:
What is a cynic?
As a man, you state an opinion, the person you are talking to will counter with you are wrong, you then show him the facts. When the person can no longer argue on the basis of fact their end argument is you are angry or bitter, then they will add there is nothing you can do about it, you are making yourself angry for no reason. The natural reaction is to defend why you are angry or deny you are angry. In this post, I will show that this is a method of social control which uses the positive aspects of the male psyche against them. This method of attack is effective against men since they process anger differently than women and essentially it cripples them. Possible the person might state they are worried about your health, if you are angry all the time, it will affect your health negatively.
People have the natural desire to want to change the beliefs of others to the belief of their group. We want to change others beliefs because we are social animals. An import part of being a social animal is identifying with a group and its culture. Culture refers to the values and beliefs which the members of the group share. It is programmed into human nature to want to protect the values and beliefs of the group and at the same time attempt to recruit more members to your group. By attempting to change the values of others, you are subconsciously attempting to recruit more members for your group. Everyone, including myself, forgets that the goal of influence is to change the person’s actions, not their beliefs. In this post, I will examine how to reframe points to fit the other person’s beliefs, that way you can change their actions but first we need to learn how human beings process information.
In a previous post, Myths - reflections of our cultural subconscious, I described how myths, even ones we no longer believe, affect our subconscious. In this post, I will examine the invention of good and evil and how this myth continues to affect the subconscious decisions of even Atheists. The purpose of this invention is to discredit someone’s positive results based on something called intent. The reverse is negative results can be turned into positive intentions. The concept of good and evil originated with religion, until recent times, culture and religion were the same.
Can learning mental math help you survive being imprisoned in a Nazi concentration camp? Yes, ten years ago, I read a book entitled, The Trachtenberg Speed System of Basic Mathematics, by Jakow Trachtenberg. I can not remember the system but I remember the author’s biography. Jakow Trachtenberg was a Jewish engineer who was sent to a concentration camp. He enjoyed mathematics but could not practice his hobby since he lacked paper. To keep himself mentally stimulated he developed a method to mentally calculate. He later accredited his survival of the concentration camp to the mental math system he developed. How did creating a mental math system help Jakow Trachtenberg survive a concentration camp?
At 75 years of age, he still could shovel half a ton of coal by hand. His face bore the scars of countless fights with police and strike breakers. In his day, social media did not exist, firing into striking miners happened frequently. He would laugh as he described how he walked over 5000 miles in one year from coal mine to coal mine, the police were watching all bus terminals and train stations. He knew if they took him into custody, he wouldn’t survive the questioning. He laughed that the police and mine owners never counted on how strong his legs were. If you asked this man, was he a leftist, he proudly would say yes. Even at 75, he wasn’t afraid to defend his point of view in a bar with his fists. How did the Limousine Liberals turn men like this into sniveling whining pussies?
From a western perspective, Filipinos are paradoxical. They are extremely honest and yet at the same time extremely dishonest. The politically incorrect reality is culture affects how the brain operates, there are countless studies which show this. If culture didn’t affect how the brain operates, books like Filipino American Psychology wouldn’t exist. In this post, I will examine the causes of this paradox and what you can do to make your dealings with Filipinos more amiable. Before we can get to that point, if is important to realize what appears rational to you might appear illogical to others.
You are using facebook, facebook customizes your feed according to your belief system. You are a Trump supporter, you see a post about how a Clinton supporter belongs to a radical Islamic group. This confirms your belief system, Clinton is evil, a feel-good endorphin rush hits you. You then scan the news feeds for similar posts. You are using social media exactly how it was designed. Let’s look at things from a hardcore feminist point of view. You are a hardcore feminist, you see an article in Huffington post about how the female shadow cabinet minister for domestic violence is accused of physical violence against her husband. You read the Huffington post article, you find out that she was allegedly provoked by her husband, men even when they are victims are at fault. The article spins it so the female shadow cabinet minister is actually the victim, evil patriarchal men are calling for this minister to resign. As a hardcore feminist, you view of the world is affirmed, you feel a massive rush of feel-good endorphins. You then scan your news feed for more articles about evil men. Social media is changing the structure of your brain, causing you to lose valuable skills. Before you get rid of your internet connection and all your electronic gadgets, let’s explore what the purpose of automation is.