Seeing things from different perspectives and views.
A common theme is “Once upon a time in a long ago magical kingdom” story. This is a common theme that existed for thousands of years, one of the earliest examples is the “Garden of Eden story”. Mankind lived in paradise and then due to a cruel twist of fate we where cast out of this paradise, and now we are attempting to get back into this paradise. The Garden of Eden type story is dangerous, because it being used to market a bluepill religion. The underlying message of the story is that if you join this particular religion, you will return to this paradise.
The ideas of this post came from a series of discussions with neoreactionsafe and a post made by burritohunter. In burritohunter’s post he pointed analysed the methods used Walt Disney when he setup disneyland. But he started his message with Not many on TRP seem very knowledgeable of the historical shift that allowed the Blue Pill narrative to become a mainstream phenomenon which is a variant of the once upon a time message. I then pointed out that Disneyland in 2016 operated the same way as the Vatican operated in 1416. But we both missed the obvious.
Look at all those shadows walking by, my conman acquaintance cackled. We were sitting on the patio of a sidewalk cafe in the business district watching people leave their offices to start their trek homeward. Why are they shadows, I asked? Because they only have two dimensions, his eyes sparkled knowing he had me hooked. Knowingly I entered his trap, I replied, but they look three-dimensional to me. No, these shadows only have two dimensions, the past or the future. Look at them scurrying along with the blank expressions on their faces, all they can think about is what they will do when they get home. Or maybe they are reliving what happened at work today. Either way, they are not living in the present, the now. They only live in the past or the future, never the now, if you never live in the now, you are part of the walking dead.
By living in the past or present we avoid reality
The American Constitution contains the phrase they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Unfortunately since the 1960s, the phrase pursuit of happiness has been redefined as avoiding reality and inevitably avoiding oneself. Being unhappy is now considered by many to be a mental illness. Being happy, which allegedly is one’s optimal state, when taken to an extreme, resembles a drug induced euphoria. The American Constitution had a profound effect on the world’s ideas, this redefinition has a profound negative effect on many people. People are now denying reality in an attempt to be happy, this is not what the American founders meant. Our modern society in its pursuit of happiness means they are running away from themselves, which is not what the American founding fathers intended. Let’s first examine what the American founding fathers meant when they talked about happiness.
What is happiness?
Happiness - a state of well-being and contentment.
In my previous post the three roads to wealth, I showed that for most people the best possible way to financial independence is to start their own business. I then discussed the reasons why you should do this and the reasons why most people can or won’t start their own business. In this post, I will discuss how to setup your own business in an antifragile manner. Antifragile is a term invented by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, it means an object or system which gains from uncertainty or chaos. A common statistic cited is that 80% of business fail within the first year or only 20% of businesses survive the first year. Possibly this figure is low, if this is the case, what is the best plan for action?
Plan for the worst, hope for the best
In this post I will describe a sure fire way to building wealth, guaranteed not to fail, providing you follow my instructions exactly. If you want clearer instructions, send me $1000 in bitcoin, and I will provide you with a video on how to build wealth. Message me, and I will provide you with hundreds of references from my now independently wealthy clients. Anyone who has common sense knows that these types of systems do not work, there is no sure-fire way to becoming wealthy. But you can increase your chances of becoming wealthy. Let’s look at the three roads to building wealth.
The term narcissist is frequently misused. For example, during the last election, Trump was described as a narcissist. To identify a narcissist, one needs to know the internal thinking of the person. More men than women are diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder(NPD), in my opinion, that is because women can hide the disorder better. Mother and wives who have NPD can do tremendous psychological damage to their child and husbands. Female narcissists are extremely good at twisting the truth and appearing the victim. This post will examine the female narcissist. First, let’s examine what a narcissist is.
What is a narcissist?
The manosphere has been compared to the male equivalent of feminism. On one level this true. When one mentions feminism, usually it is associated with equal rights for women. But on a deeper level, it attempts to answer the question, what does it mean to be a woman? Due to changing technology, the roles of men and women have changed in society, this means both men and women need a new identity. Women have started to answer this question with feminism until the advent of the manosphere, men have failed to answer this question. The manosphere is defined as groups like MGTOW and the red pill, both groups are a response to changing roles of women. But on a deeper level, the manosphere is about what does it mean to be a man. Despite what feminists claim, this is actually a good thing. First, let’s look at why men and women now need identities, why didn’t we need identities 300 years ago?
Originally gender identity was defined by the environment
Trump might be a malignant narcissist but he has achieved one thing, he has forced the politically correct, third wave feminist, Social Justice Warrior (SJW) and politically correct to openly fight. Trump’s support has come from people who are fed up with political correctness being used to silence dissenting opinion. The inspiration for this post came from this article, Study: Liberals Three Times More Likely Than Conservatives to ‘Unfriend’ on Social Media Over Politics. What is happening is they are being driven into their safe space, this is a good thing.
An SJW’s feelings are more valid than yours
The Social Justice Warrior pushes an agenda of of views like third wave feminism and political correctness. With third wave feminism, they do not promote equal rights between the genders, instead, they promote that women need privileges before the law while men so have their rights reduced. If someone questions their beliefs or agenda they will be attacked meanwhile if a third wave feminist makes a comment like all men should be killed, questioning her views means you hate women. You are probably thinking, why do I need to worry? I am always careful to say politically correct things, I never offend anyone, it can’t happen to me. You then open your social media account, you see a meme with your photo on it calling you a racist asshole for a statement you made taken out of context. Or your boss asks could he talk to you, he then tells you that there is a sexual misconduct complaint against you. If you are a university student, an administrator asks to speak to you, to your shock, you are accused of rape. All of these people were like you, they thought just because they are innocent, these attacks can not happen to them. This post will describe how to survive one of these attacks. But first, we have to examine the psychology behind your possible attackers.