We now live in a digital democracy, thanks to the internet everyone has the possibility to get their message heard by the rest of the world. Paradoxically most messages have become digital noise which we just ignore. To cut through this noise your message has to be short to drive home your point.
With Twitter, Facebook and SMS there is a practical limit on the amount of information which can sent. Twitter used to have a limit of 140 characters, for all intents and purposes this limit still exists. Before we read a book or an article the first thing we do is read the title. A title is an example of a short writing, it gives the person a basic idea what the article is about and then provokes the user to take further action.
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Galileo’s crime was publicly stating what most scientists knew at the time, that the planets revolve around the sun. Satoshi Kanazawa’s crime is publicly stating what every scientist knows, that there is a biological difference between male and female brains and it influences how each gender makes decisions. Galileo during his lifetime was forced into obscurity. Right now as we speak, Satoshi Kanazawa has been forced into obscurity, and all of his articles from the popular website Psychology Today and other popular scientific sites. Will future generations view the persecution of Satoshi Kanazawa as we view the persecution of Galileo ? Will they ask what type of closed minded ignorant society did we live in ?
There are countless scientific studies which show that there are biological differences between male and female brains which affect the way men and women make decisions. The politically correct wants us to believe that the differences are caused by environment, when in fact the biological difference between the genders plays a large part. This is proven by studies done on newborn babies.
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One of my father’s favorite sayings was strong as a rock of Gibraltar. When I was a kid, I did not know that Gibraltar was the famous British fortress which guards the entrance to the Mediterranean sea. The saying has fallen out of vogue, but at the time it reflected the strength of the British Empire which depended on maritime trade. As British Admiral Sir John Fishe stated, Gibraltar was one of the keys that locked up world. A key is something which opens or controls a lock. Who ever has this key control the lock. Rock is considered something to be strong, dependable, never changing. Jesus allegedly stated And on this rock I will build my church.
You are probably saying to yourself, how does all this talk about rocks affect the price of tea in China ? Well you are asking how are metaphors important and while you asked the question, you used a metaphor. The metaphor the price of tea in China again reflects a period of history when the tea and opium trade was a vital part of the British Empire’s wealth. The strong as a rock of Gibraltar is actually a metaphor on a metaphor. Rocks are strong, the most important and strongest rock in the world at the time was the fortress of Gibraltar and it is controlled by the British. The important point that you learn from this exercise is that
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Machiavelli’s book “The Prince” is about how a leader gains and maintains power, he differed from other analysts in that he talked about the leader’s self interests as opposed to the nation’s best interests. He is under attack constantly because he reveals the unpleasant truth that all leaders, or all governments from democracies to dictatorships are only concerned about one thing which is maintaining power. Unfortunately for Machiavelli, game theory had not been invented, so all he had to rely on was historical examples and his own observations.
The book The Dictator’s Handbook: Why Bad Behavior is Almost Always Good Politics started out as a mathematical analysis on what a leader needs to gain control and to keep control. It then shows the primary concern of all leaders is to maintain control and self benefit. The authors also give historical examples of this and an explanation why this is so. A leader which switch from an absolute dictatorship to a democracy depending on which benefits him more. An example of this is Chiang Kai-shek, when he controlled parts of mainland China he was a dictator, when he was driven out of mainland China to Taiwan he setup a democracy. The authors then show the same principles for Presidents and CEOs of companies and all other forms of leadership.
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Constantly you are bombarded with graphic images of people getting killed, raped or ethnically cleansed. We are constantly being told about the increasing dangers of terrorism, about some war in some far off land. According to the news media we are in greater danger then ever before and the amount of violence is increasing. We are told that the last century which included WW1 and WW2 was one of the deadliest ever. Is violence in the world actually increasing and is the world actually a more dangerous place ? The reality is violence per a capita of all types from rape, genocide, people killed in wars and homicide has decreased drastically in the last 200 years. And surprisingly enough has decreased even more drastically in the last 50 years. This is in all countries of the world.
Steven Pinker in his book, The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why Violence Has Declined gives overwhelming evidence that violence has declined over the last 500 years in western society and especially in the last 50 years.
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Private Dancer
is a novel about a westerner who travels to Thailand and then falls in love with a Thai bargirl. What makes the novel unique is that it is a story based upon fact, it is based upon an amalgamation of real life characters. Steven Leather has spent more then half his life in SE Asia and fictionalized account of his experiences in Thailand and SE Asia in general. Despite being a renowned writer, Steven Leather was initially unable to find anyone to publish the book due to its controversial nature and realism.
On one level the book is a story about Thailand, on a deeper level the book is about the different goals and values of men and woman and how they are affected by culture. What makes the book interesting it that it takes the viewpoint of different characters in the book and shows how their decisions are influenced by both gender and culture.
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People do not buy products, they buy stories. With every product you buy, you are not buying the product per say, you are buying a story. Don’t believe me ? Wander into you local supermarket, you will see generic brands and name brands. You wander into the aisle that sells plastic sandwich wrap. You spot a box of Saran wrap and few feet to the left there is a box of generic plastic sandwich wrap. Both plastic wraps possibly might be identical, possibly they might have even came from the same factory, and possibly where made on the same machines. What is the difference between the two products ? Price in some cases the Saran wrap is twice as expensive as the generic brand. What accounts for this price difference ?
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Men are always saying, women never say what they mean. Meanwhile women are always saying, men never say what they mean. They then both say I don’t know what they want. What causes this problem ? How can we fix this ? From a man’s pespective the biggest problem is that he assumes the woman thinks the same way he does. The woman by contrast thinks the man thinks like she does. What causes more problems is that the politically correct are in denial that men and women think differently. Lets examine how this causes causes conflict.
Anger is caused by an inaccurate mental model
Lets examine how this works. I have a mental model of how a shop works. I go to the shop, I tell them I would like to buy a chocolate bar and give them money. I then assume that I should receive a chocolate bar back. This is my mental model of the store. So every time I go to the store, I give them money, they give me a chocolate bar I am happy.
What happens if I go to the store, I tell the shop keeper “I would like a chocolate bar”. The shop keeper takes my money, looks at me strangely and then keeps the money. I will get angry, and then yell at the shop keeper where is my chocolate bar, you are a thief. Right away I jumped to the conclusion that the shop keeper is a thief. The anger comes the fact that the store owner didn’t do what I expected.
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Thinking about the way things ought to be is a way of escaping reality. It is a way from distracting us from the truth. A person who is enlightened or accepts the redpill is not scared of reality, instead of talking about how things ought to be, they figure out how can they use their present circumstances to their advantage.
The movie Platoon has many redpill truths but put in a bluepill wrapper. It is a form of bait and switch, so show the viewer the nasty cold harsh reality of life. Then at the end, make it so the bluepill guy wins. The reality is this never happens. If you look at religion, the same scenario happens. Provide some redpill truths, then do a switch. Oliver Stone the director of Platoon was a Vietnam vet, the movie itself is a semiautobiographic account of his time in Vietnam. But at the end, Stone does a switch, he changes the movie to how we would like it to turn out.
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This hunched over 74 year old man could kick the ass of 99.9% of TRP using nothing more then a rock and a piece of string. And if confronted by him, most of you would make the same mistake that Goliath made. You would laugh and mock him. I will explain how David analysed his enemy, how David reframed his problem. And then evidence to show that it was not a miracle. For the impatient, that David choose 5 smooth stones before he went to the fight is proof that he planned it out.
Ironically all of David’s supporters despite their good intentions where actually limiting David. They couldn’t see outside the box.
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